BSA Important Issues: new mandates, requirements, and recommendations

Instructor: Justin Muscolino

Product ID: 1694

Date & Time: March 7, 2025 | Time: 12:00 PM EST

Duration: 60 Min


BSA rules and regulations must be followed by financial institutions. Although financial institutions have been managing BSA operations in accordance with regulatory requirements, the shift to BSA audits has become increasingly important. Regulators look to the Bank for confirmation and proof that BSA operations are being audited properly to ensure that BSA efforts are implemented and managed properly.

Our AML environment is evolving and we have to keep up with the current mandates, requirements and understand insight from other industry participants.

Why Should you Attend ?

The Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) is a US law that fights money laundering and other financial crimes. BSA requires businesses to keep records and file reports that are determined to have a high degree of usefulness in criminal, tax, and regulatory matters. Individuals and financial institutions who fail to comply with BSA requirements may face severe penalties and for more serious offenses, prison sentences.

Webinar Objective

• The current BSA/AML Environment
• New mandates released and proposed
• BSA Requirements for financial institutions
• Best practices with BSA Reporting
• Key takeaways

Areas Covered in the Session

  • During this webinar, Justin will discuss BSA reporting requirements, new mandates released over the past 6 months, the requirements financial institutions have to abide by and being prepared for audits and exams this year.

Who will benefit

• Chief Compliance Officer (CCO)
• Compliance Manager
• AML Analyst/Officer
• BSA Compliance Specialist
• Risk and Compliance Analyst
• Regulatory Compliance Consultant
• Financial Crime Investigator
• Fraud Prevention Specialist
• Risk Management Analyst
• Forensic Accountant

  Instructor Profile

Justin, brings over 20 years of wide-arranging experience in compliance, training and regulations. He has previously worked as Head of Compliance Training for Macquarie Group, UBS, JPMorgan Chase, Bank of China, and GRC Solutions. Justin also runs his own Compliance Training company focusing on US & International regulations, JTM Compliance Training.
Justin also worked for FINRA, a US regulator, where he created Examiner University to train examiners on how to perform their function. He also serves as US Chapter Head for the Global Compliance Institute (GCI) and instructs at the Barret School of Business and various compliance training providers.

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