Each person is born ethnocentric or believing that other people and events revolve around them which is generally true for the first few years of a child’s life. The focus of activity for a growing child is inward.
Some people carry this inward, self-focus into adulthood. These people, so overly concerned with their own well-being in a self-centered way, never learn the secrets of influence. Successful people, who want to have the power of persuasion, turn their circle of activity and interest outward. They expand their interests and focus to be as conscious of the people around them as they are of themselves. They develop what we call, charisma.
Charisma isn’t just about being charming or well-spoken; it’s about exuding warmth, authenticity, and gravitas that naturally draws others in.
For those who want to stand out in their careers or create lasting impressions in social situations, a deeper understanding of charisma provides the tools to inspire trust and likability. As you develop charisma and confidence with the points taught in this webinar, you become the leader people CHOOSE to follow, not HAVE to follow because of your place on the organization chart.
You will have the charisma and self-confidence to build dynamic teams, retain loyal employees and foster authentic relationships with colleagues.
Why should you Attend ?
Charisma is a mysterious quality that makes people want to follow you. As you develop your charisma, people will want to be part of your team, and they will be influenced by your opinions and suggestions.
Areas Covered in the Session
In this webinar you learn charismatic leader tips and techniques for increasing your personal power, enhancing your persuasion skills, and building your confidence.
The discussion includes answers to these questions:
• What is charisma?
• How do you define charisma?
• Why is it hard to get?
• What if I don’t have charisma?
You will learn how to:
• Leverage your unique strengths to achieve success.
• Cultivate an unshakable sense of confidence and self-respect.
• Enhance your skill in navigating respectful dialogues during tough conversations.
• Communicate with authority and purpose when the situation calls for it.
• Face your fears and assert yourself, even in moments of deep vulnerability.
• Motivate others to act, regardless of obstacles in the way.
• Interact with genuine authenticity and sincerity.
• Demonstrate compassion and understanding toward others.
• Embody the core elements of personal empowerment.
• Uphold your integrity, even when mistakes occur.
• Harness the power of uplifting and constructive self-talk.
• Build a wall of confidence and self-worth
Webinar Objective
Do you underestimate your ability to be charismatic? Many people do, believing it’s an innate trait rather than a skill that can be cultivated. This webinar aims to debunk that myth by empowering attendees to unlock their full charismatic potential.
For those who struggle with self-doubt or social anxiety, learning about the psychology of charisma can help reframe how they perceive themselves and their interactions.
Attend this webinar and walk away with practical tools to enhance your self-confidence as you navigate workplace relationships.
Who will benefit
Instructor Profile
Karla Brandau is a thought leader in management and team building techniques. She trains managers to improve their relationship with the employees to earn their gift of discretionary effort. She specializes in personalities, communication skills and leadership principles. She is the CEO of Workplace Power Institute and has educated managers with her proven leadership principles in companies such as Motorola, Coca-Cola Enterprises, Panasonic, and BYD America.
She has a degree in education and is a Certified Speaking Professional, an earned designation given by National Speakers Association. Karla’s book, How to Earn the Gift of Discretionary Effort, teaches managers how to be the leader people CHOOSE to follow, not have to follow because of their position on the organizational chart.